Upcoming HUUM System Updates

Our partner at HUUM Sauna just shared some exciting news about their latest developments on the app and the UKU controller. The estimated time of release is expected to be at the end of APR 2024.

Here are some details of the communiqué:

Major Changes:

  • New App Design: This revamped app interface features vibrant colors to draw users' attention to key elements, and introduces clear call-to-action messages in the UKU control panel for timers and error notifications, simplifying user interaction.

  • Under-the-Hood Technological Enhancements in the APP: While this update doesn’t introduce new features, it includes technological advancements aimed at facilitating smoother integration for custom brands.

  • Enhanced Focus on Rental Saunas: Security features will be enhanced within the settings menu and heating controls. Soon, users will be able to set minimum and maximum temperatures on the UKU and implement a password requirement for accessing settings. This update is designed to ensure that renters cannot inadvertently adjust settings beyond specified parameters.

  • Improved Remote Start Safety: The remote start process will be refined to improve safety. Before initiating a remote start, users will need to confirm sauna readiness directly on the UKU controller. A gray heating icon will indicate readiness for remote activation. Additionally, if the door is opened, UKU will prompt users to confirm safety before proceeding, ensuring responsible usage.

Minor Changes:

  • The settings menu now opens after a brief 6-second button press.

  • An automatic disable function for the steamer will be implemented if the target temperature exceeds 90°C (194°F) to ensure safety.

  • More comprehensive logging of WiFi error codes will be available for improved troubleshooting.

  • The heating icon will appear in red by design in the upcoming update, an aesthetic choice that does NOT indicate any operational issues.


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